ITU Geological Engineering Undergraduate Program: Accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) of ABET, www.abet.org
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Mission of ITU Geological Engineering Undergraduate Program
The vision of the ITU DGE is to provide and keep high quality internationally accepted educational standards so that its graduates will be a significant part of industry for technical and the necessities of the society.
The mission is to educate professionals who are able to resolve problems related to geology faced in all sectors
of private and public components using all aspects of science and technologies. We believe that our graduates are the advertisement component of our department with their top level engineering qualities, so we are working for the high success of young
PEOs - Program Educational Objectives
The Objectives of the Geological Engineering Program, which is consistent with the mission of the program, is
1. Developing and implementing tunnel, dam, bridge and similar geotechnical engineering designs
2. Involving in groundwater explorations and solvingrelated problems
3. Involving in exploration programs for metallic, non-metallic and energy resources
4. Involving in
soil classifications and positioning engineering structures during city and regional planning by considering their environmental impacts including historical structures
5. Transforming research and development
projects that will contribute all fields of geological engineering into academic studies
SOs – Student Outcomes (1 to 7)
The Geological Engineering program must demonstrate that its students attain the following outcomes:
(1) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics
(2) an ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors
(3) an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
(4) an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal
(5) an ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
(6) an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
(7) an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies
E&G - Enrollment and Graduation Data
Academic Year | New Enrolled Students | Total Students | B.S. Degrees Awarded |
2023-2024 | 41 | 369 | |
2022-2023 | 61 | 384 | 39 |
2021-2022 | 62 | 377 | 42 |
2020-2021 | 62 | 406 | 56 |
2019-2020 | 62 | | 44 |
2018-2019 | 61 | | 23 |
2023-2024 Academic Year Notification
ITU Geological Engineering Undergraduate Program - 2023-24 Academic Year
Notification to Students and Faculty
ITU Geological Engineering Undergraduate Program is a 4-year program accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) of ABET, www.abet.org
(Criteria: Geological Engineering). The program is currently (as of 28 October, 2023) in a “Show Cause Review” period which has been utilized to bring the program into compliance with the accreditation
criteria, to prepare the “Show Cause Response Report”, to provide a summary to the students and faculty members of the reasons for the period/action and the remedial action decisions and specific corrective actions structured and started
to be implemented as of 2023-24 Fall term to maintain accreditation.
Reason(s) for the period:
During the re-accreditation review process, evidence demonstrating that the program had implemented a consistent process to assure adequate design content across projects was not sufficient. Accordingly, the program shortcoming is unresolved. In preparation
for the next review and to resolve the shortcoming, the program needs to provide sufficient documentation providing evidence that all students complete a major design experience that involves the design of a system, component or process to meet
desired needs, and incorporates appropriate engineering standards and multiple realistic constraints.
The remedial action decisions and specific corrective actions taken and implemented by the program are envisioned to contribute to the continuous improvement of the undergraduate education provided by the ITU GEUP to its students.
Remedial actions decisions and specific corrective actions by the ITU Geological Engineering Undergraduate Program (GEUP), starting in the 2023-24 Fall term:
Following the notification of the official announcement of ABET EAC’s decision through a written statement, ABET coordinator and/or associate coordinator on behalf of GEUP attended a number of meetings and organized some meetings to decide on course of actions to resolve the shortcomings on September 27, 2023. Following this meeting, a series of meetings (including an orientation lecture for newly enrolled students and a pizza party for freshman students organized by GE Student Club and sponsored by the department faculties) were held on October 04 and 11, 2023, respectively
In the orientation lecture, our administration (department chair and two deputy chairs) made a presentation to introduce the department in all aspects including ABET, reviewing process and current status.
In pizza party - a welcome event, freshman students were treated and had chance to meet faculty members and mingle. In the event, vice chair talked with the students on a question answer basis and once again explained the importance of accreditation by ABET.
Department board meeting was held (face to face) on October 13, 2023 to discuss remedial actions. During this meeting ABET coordinator of the department briefed the faculties (all faculty who are eligible to give lecture) about the Final Statement by ABET EAC. Following issues are emphasized during the meeting:
New and updated course plan was reviewed semester by semester for prerequires, order of courses, total credit, credit ratios of engineering courses, elective courses. One of the issues discussed was Materials Science (MAL 201E) course. This course, which was given as an elective course in Turkish and English in the previous course plans, will be given as a compulsory course only in English, starting in the 6th semester (next spring semester - 2023-24 Spring) in the new course plan.
Possible rubrics and evaluation options to fulfill ABET student outcomes, course learning outcomes and program educational objectives were discussed. Due to the nature of each of the mandatory courses, each of the course lecturer will decide which to choose in addition to course and lecturer surveys, midterms and final exams.
In the meeting, the department board reviewed JEO4901 and 4902 courses to enable culminating engineering design experiences of the students provided by the program, which have been rich in research by nature of the geological topics, need to be reinforced and improved with respect to the engineering design content and experience, so to facilitate supporting our students get well-equipped and be prepared for the engineering practice and for their future engineering profession. Design in Geological Engineering I and II (JEO4901 and 4902), will incorporate use of a pool of project options that will guide students and limit choices to those that were design engineering in content. Implementation of the plan began in the Fall 2021-22 semester with full implementation in the fall 2024-25. Course syllabi and rubrics need to be prepared immediately, which is in progress. All faculty were asked to contribute the project pool. An application form will still be required for JEO4901 and 4902. This form is the same form that is prepared for GDPs before, which is a user interactive word document downloadable from the department’s website.
It has been confirmed that our department has only a 30% English program and that the 100% English program is completely closed and that 3 of our students from this program are taking courses from a 30% lesson plan because they came back from the student amnesty.
NINOVA platform (e-learning center) of ITU was used to update our senior students who registered JEO4902 about recent developments about our last review cycle by ABET EAC.
2024-2025 Academic Year Notification