Prof.Dr. İhsan Ketin is one of the leading figures in the history of Turkish geology. The natural history museum of ITU is dedicated to his name and formed in the 4th floor of Faculty of Mines, where he spent most of his life. The museum includes the “Darwin 200” exhibition and collections of many fossil species such as vertebrate fossils of Istanbul, Zonguldak flora, Aegean fish fossils and flora, and samples of Solnhofen fauna including the famous Archeopteryx replica. Moreover, the Hamit Nafiz Pamir and Malik Sayar’s collection of mammal fossils from Istanbul Hipparion zone are welcoming visitors. These samples provide very important scientific data about the paleogeography of Bakırköy and Rami regions. Samples of Gastropods, Bivalves, Echinoderms and red algae species from Red Sea, Kaş and Marmaris are also exhibited within collections of Ihsan Ketin’s Natural History Museum.
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