- Students will be recruited to work PART-TIME at Istanbul Technical University Department of Information Processing.
Students who will apply:
- ITU students and Turkish citizens,
- Preferably being a student between the 2nd and 5th semester,
- Have at least 2.00 grade point average,
- Being interested in Information Technologies
- They must be undergraduate students.
- Interested applicants are requested to submit their CVs with photographs by Thursday, November 30, 2023 at 17.00
- They can apply online at www.bidb.itu.edu.tr.
The exam location and the names of those who will be taken to the exam and interview will be announced on our website.
- Note: 30 part-time students are planned to be admitted.
As the Head of the Department of Geological Engineering, we recommend that our students also show interest in the job opening.