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ITU students said “Hello” to School with Back to School

by Muhittin Karaman | Oct 11, 2022

“Back to School Festival”, where Istanbul Technical University’s project teams and student clubs were introduced with the theme of back to school, took place on 5-6-7 October with the 250th Anniversary enthusiasm.

News: İTÜ Media and Communication Office

“Back to School” festival, which is traditionally organized by Istanbul Technical University every year and where new students who join ITU meet with project teams and student clubs, was enlivened with the 250th Anniversary enthusiasm this year. At the festival, where new students who joined ITU met, besides musical performances, students had the opportunity to get to know project groups, culture-arts and sports clubs according to their interests.

Opening and congratulations

Our Rector Prof. Dr. İsmail Koyuncu visited the stands of the project teams and student clubs on the opening day of the festival and chatted with the students. Our Rector also accompanied the cortege consisting of air, land and underwater vehicles produced by the project teams, which received dozens of awards from many national and international competitions, and conveyed his congratulations and wishes for success to the students. 

Meeting with the clubs

Culture, art and thought clubs, which include various performance arts from music to theater, fashion to e-gaming, dance to cinema, informed new students of ITU about their activities and met with their new members. Sports clubs, on the other hand, were in the field to encourage ITU students to do sports for a healthy life, as a hobby or with professional license. Project teams and student clubs, which contribute greatly to the career plans of ITU students as well as a social learning period, explained their activities throughout the festival.

Joy of music at the festival

On the second day of the festival, ITU students enjoyed the concerts given by our student clubs on the stage set up on MED Lawn. ITU Turkish Music Club and ITU Western Music Club received great appreciation from the students for their stage performances. 

After the impressive performances of our music clubs, Güneş, a popular name of the music world, took the stage and entertained ITU students with her songs.