News & Announcements


Our faculty member Prof. Dr. Aral Okay has passed away.

by Muhittin Karaman | Mar 06, 2024
We are deeply saddened by the loss of our esteemed faculty member Prof. Dr. Aral Okay, who carried out studies aiming to reveal the geological evolution of Turkey.

We extend our condolences to his family, the university and the scientific community.

Prof. Dr. Aral Okay, who has been working and collecting data in the field in Turkey since 1976 in order to reveal the geological evolution of Turkey, has left important works on the geological evolution and metamorphic petrology of Turkey and the Eastern Mediterranean region.

TUBITAK Incentive Award in 1986,
Sedat Simavi Science Award in 1992,
TUBITAK Science Award in 2002,
Our faculty member, who received the Georg Forster Research Award in 2019 for his studies on the geology of Turkey, was included in the list of the world's most influential scientists in 2022,
In 1996, he was elected as a Full Member of TÜBA and in 2009 he was elected as an Honorary Member (Fellow) of the American Mineralogical Society.
Mr. Akay In addition to producing important scientific works during his academic career, Mr. Akay taught Geology of Turkey, Topics in Regional Geology, Metamorphic Minerals and Textures, Structural Geology, Petrology, Topics in Metamorphic Petrology, Introduction to Structural Geology, Neotectonics, Physical Geology, General Geology, Tectonics, Geological Mapping, Underground Geology, Mineralogy, Optical Mineralogy, Crystallography in order to contribute to the training of young geologists.
